Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Mixed-up Feelings and Other Odds and Ends
Thanks so much to all of you for your kind congrats with the last post. I am still thrilled with the picture and feel so blessed to have it. Believe me, I know what a treasure it is. I stare at it up close on the computer several times every day. BTW, Maggie, they do look just like themselves. I totally understand and thought the exact same thing.

I have been battling some feelings since receiving the letter with pictures. You know the old saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words." That is how I feel about the other pics we received from babushka. My emotions have been up one side of the scale and down the other when I look at them. The story they tell is so much different from the story we were told in court. Let's just say that we're not as worried about their half sister as we were. In some ways, it is relieving. In other ways, it is haunting and eye-opening. Right now, I'm just trying to accept it.

On another note, wrestling season is finished. J has decided that he would like to have a go at gymnastics. We have a boys' team at our gym that is doing pretty well. J can already do a back handspring and loves to play around at home. I hope he has fun with it. The bwins want to go too. They always want to be like their big bro. I'm looking for a class for them too.

I'm battling a cold. I rarely get sick (mom's don't have time to be sick). However, sometimes I think I get so worn down that my body shuts down. I feel like I'm in shut down mode right now. It really frustrates me because I don't have time to slow down, much less shut down. I'm creeping along at a snail's pace but refuse to quit. Hopefully, it is short-lived and I get over it soon.

Gymnastic season is in full swing. At the meet last weekend, Z scored her highest floor and bar scores that she has ever made at her level, setting personal bests. E won the gold medal on floor with a 9.675! There were over 30 girls in their age group. That's pretty big for a meet in Oklahoma. The teams were the best of the best. Our all-arounds generally didn't fair well, but we had some good individual event placements.
posted by 6blessings @ 7:03 AM  
  • At 6:04 PM, Blogger Maggie said…

    I'm going to have to look back through your archives. I don't recall what the concern with the half-sibling was.

    I just watched a movie about gymnasts and was totally thinking of your girls. That's exciting that J and the bwins want to give it a go, too.

  • At 8:09 PM, Blogger jessy said…

    I don't remember you posting any concerns either, but it was LATE one night when I found your blog. But I will say this, that for some time now I have had just a smidge of jealously that the last post has helped to clear away. Jealous isn't really the right word...becuase I've been honestly happy for you, but more of a, "what on earth am I doing wrong?" feeling when I've read your blog. It just seems that the twins have had an unbelievably easy transition (which I'm sure you haven't told all but still...already saying "I love you" and getting along "as if they've always been there"??!!). It just wasn't clear to me before that they had not been in the orphanage since birth. I think, just based on their speedy and relatively painless bonding and attachment to you that these boys were loved by SOMEBODY. I'm sure their life was no piece of cake, but I think they must have been shown some measure of care and attention. So, I hope your kinder thoughts tward the grandmother blossom--how I wish my Marina had had someone to bond with in those first months of life. I think things would be a lot different now.
    You've heard too, right, that they often paint a very dark picture in the court, so as to remove any hindrances from the adoption taking place? It could be that the information you recieved was highly tainted, so as to give the boys the best chance for a family.

  • At 10:20 AM, Blogger Suz said…

    Wow, way to go Z and E!! I always wanted to be a gymnast, but never had the opportunities you're giving your kids! So happy for them and I'm sure Mama and Daddy are super proud!

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