Monday, May 08, 2006
Updates- Non-Adoption
I updated everyone on our adoption stuff last time. Nothing is new on that front except our paperwork has now been sent to Moscow. Better late than never, I guess.

Here's some additional things that have been going on in our crazy world since returning from Russia:

1. Our oldest daughter, Hannah, had surgery on her hip last August. She has had a long battle with recovery. She was a very active and successful higher level gymnast and was sidetracked over a year ago with hip pain. After 5 months of testing they discovered that she had torn cartilage in her hip due to a malformation of her hip socket and a flattened ball. They did surgery to repair the tear and other damage, but can't fix the shape of the ball until she is done growing. We had a check-up to see if she could be released. The doctor said her ITB band was still super tight and gave her more stretches. Then we asked about a spot on her back that has been troubling her for months. He thinks it is a tumor. She is having an MRI done and going to see a spine specialist.

2. Daughter #2, Eden, falls on the trampoline at her cousin's birthday party(after being warned to be careful). She either has a bad sprain or growth plate fracture in her wrist. We go back to re-evaluate today. This, of course, happens two weeks before her State gymnastics meet, which was this past weekend. She did one-armed vault and balance beam. She had to scratch floor and bars.

3. Damon is digging out of work finally from being gone a week. He is self-employed and lost his secretary right before we went to Russia.

4. We are trying to finish up schooling for the year. My second grade twins should finish everything but Math this week. My 6th grade daughter has about 3 weeks left and my Kindergarten son has about two weeks left. Schooling over the last few weeks with travel and additional paperwork sure has been tricky! We use every opportunity we get. For example, while waiting on our 29 new documents to be apostilled at the state capitol, we did a tour, talked about the Senate and House, discussed many aspects of Oklahoma history that was exhibited in pictures throughout the capitol, reviewed different forms of artwork on display, etc. I can't wait to be done with school this year!
posted by 6blessings @ 9:27 AM  
  • At 5:00 PM, Blogger Maggie said…

    Things have been eventful around your house. Is your oldest out of gymnastics permanently? It's a rough sport, isn't it? I was a cheerleader back in the day and all that tumbling still affects me today. I hope Eden's wrist isn't broken.

  • At 9:30 AM, Blogger Jennefer said…

    It sounds like you have had a lot going on. I hope your daughters will feel better. Gymnastics can be hard on a person (although it is also great exercise). I think my back pain is a result of so many instances of landing on my head doing back hand springs (my arms being too weak to hold my weight up well).

    Sounds like you are doing great on the educating front. School will be over soon. I am looking forward to the summer break too.

    I hope you can retrieve "Chili" and "Pie" soon! Ha Ha

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