Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Trip 1/Day 5 & 6
Well, it has been almost two weeks since we returned and I am finally finishing up about the trip. Next time, maybe I will be able to blog from there a little. I will try. We've had so many kinks since we returned that my days have been filled with the flurry of it all and very little time to sit at the computer and blog or read blogs. Hopefully, I will catch up soon. I will fill everyone in on the "kinks" soon.

Days 5 & 6 were together or maybe it was just a one long day. Our plane left Moscow at 12:30 p.m. On board were several families bringing their children home. One couple had been there almost a month and were having quite a time with their two children. They had adopted 2 girls, 6 and 9. The 9 year old was pushing their buttons. The stewardesses were very helpful. There was one couple with a baby, who I never heard a peep out of. Lastly, there was a very busy couple with twin girl and a boy. The boy was so cute! He kept trying to help with the suitcases. He looked to be about 5 and the girls looked about 3. Although, I have learned you can never tell by size with orphans.

We arrived in Atlanta at about 4 p.m. We had a slight delay in landing because Atlanta had a security scare and the whole airport had shut down for about 2 hours that day! They decided to let international flights land. We then tried to find our way to our next gate. Our flight was later so it wasn't even posted yet. At this point we were exhausted. The airport was nuts!! Everyone's flights were delayed because of the security issue and there were upset people everywhere. We found a little table and got a Coke. After sitting a minute, we found someone to tell us where our flight would take off from.

After a 7 hour layover, our plane left Atlanta for OKC, our last flight! Whew! At this point we had been awake for over 24 hours, with nothing but a slight cat nap. While flying, I witnessed the most beautiful piece of nature I believe I have ever seen. Just about everyone else on the plane was asleep, but I didn't sleep too well on the planes. Anyway, I looked out the window at the night sky. We ended up flying very close to a storm. The light show in the clouds was absolutely amazing. It was so awesome! I watched it forever!! However, soon my eyes were diverted to the sky above. Here was this powerful massive storm raging below and right above was a calm, beautiful, starry night sky. It was incredible! I reminded myself that the next time my kids were scared of a storm, I would tell them the story of what I saw. Last night I had that chance! I also had for myself a beautiful illustration that I am now clinging to with my full being. I guess one can choose to live in the storm and be tossed around and scared or one can choose to rise above the storm and live in the peace and calm that is above. That is a decision I am having to make right now. I will explain more later.

We landed in OKC at around 1 a.m. We made it home and crashed into our own bed! There's no place like home!! I have to give glory to God. Our trip started out with so many possible problems that I couldn't hardly count them all. However, it went incredibly smoothly. There were a few bumps, but nothing like we anticipated. (Since returning, we have learned of one MAJOR problem that occurred, but we didn't know about it until we returned.) He carried us safely on all kinds of planes and in cars with crazy driving. He led us to two beautiful boys who we love intensely and would never have found otherwise, had we not embarked on this crazy journey called adoption. He took care of several hitches, like a Delta strike. We are so grateful for the trip and for all He did for us.

Thanks also to all of you who prayed for us and thought about us while we were gone. We value that so much and appreciate each and every one of you.
posted by 6blessings @ 7:06 AM  
  • At 8:44 AM, Blogger Elle said…

    The imagry (sp?) about the storm is beautiful. I do hope you are able to rise above your own personal storms and the boys will be home soon.

  • At 8:08 PM, Blogger Maggie said…

    What a trip. Whew.

    I know what you mean about viewing a storm from above. I was on a flight once that got put in a holding pattern because there were lightning storms. Watching lighting shoot down from below you when you're in calm skies is amazingly beautiful. It's a pretty good analogy for a lot of things in life isn't it? (I can think of one right about now.)

  • At 3:09 PM, Blogger Jennefer said…

    What a wonderful trip! Your description of the scene from the plane was beautiful. I am glad that you had that experience!

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