Monday, July 30, 2007
Well, I don't know if there's anyone out there that still reads this blog. Comments have been extremely low recently. I know that I've had some trouble with Blogger when trying to comment on some sites. However, we have many changes happening in our lives around here.

The biggest change will be happening in a year and involves a massive life change. However, I am not free to discuss that at this point, so I'll have to leave you hanging.

Anyway, one new change around here is that my oldest four will be attending public school this year. I have homeschooled for the last 5 years. E, Z, and J have never been in public school. H did Kindergarten and first grade in a public setting. E and Z will be fourth graders, J will be in 2nd. H is 7th grade age, but has completed 7th grade curriculum already. They will probably be testing her for grade placement, either according to age or educational level. The decision to send them to public school came after many hours of prayer and thought. There were several factors that played into it.

First of all was my sanity. Teaching every subject in four different grade levels, going to work every evening, running a household, and having several church duties, left me pretty drained. Over the summer, everyone has decided that I'm a lot nicer, less stressed mom and wife when I'm not overloaded.

Secondly, one of my kiddos has been having some fear issues that need to be faced and dealt with. These came about due to a incident that she experienced that frightened her. We have been through months of sleepless nights and pretty much have been unable to leave her side. Going to school should help give her some of the confidence and independence she needs. Just so you know, she's excited about school and we have talked about the fear issue. She already has her clothes laid out and lunchbox ready for the first day.

Next, L and El turned six this summer. They are doing really well, but are definitely going to need some pretty focused attention for Kindergarten this year. I am keeping them home, hoping to focus on learning to read and do math. I think this will also help with some bonding and attachment adjustments. They will be able to receive some more individualized attention.

In addition, the above mentioned life change that will take place next year will require a lot of time and effort to prepare for. I will have a lot of extra work around here to get ready for it.

With all that being said, I feel peace about our decision, but am dreading the first day of school. I remember taking H to her first day of Kindergarten. It was horrible! Now I have to take four of them off to be gone all day. My emotions are battling, but my reason is at peace.

Change is never easy, but is always required in our lives. I trust that through the Lord's guidance and support, we will face this next year and the changes that go along with it with strength.
posted by 6blessings @ 11:06 AM  
  • At 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Was just catching up w/your lives as I just haven't been able to be around much this summer and have yet again been inspired by you and your outlook on life. You have a great way of looking at life and dealing w/the things that get thrown your way. Wow! Thanks!!!
    I am sure the kids will just blossom and love 'going' to school. Be sure to take lots of pics the first day of school. One thing I always do w/E&B is to take a pic by their door w/the grade and teacher name. I do this on the first day and then again on the last day. It is a fun way to see how much they have grown that year.
    It will also be good times for you and the being so organized, probably won't know what to do w/yourself. ;-)
    We need to get together some time soon.

  • At 4:45 PM, Blogger Tami said…

    I'm out here!
    I want to encourage you about your decision to send the kids to school. I know it's a tough that doesn't come without a lot of consideration and prayer. I'm sure the kids will do great in the new environment...and it will give you the time you need to concentrate on the younger two and the life change that is coming. (BTW - I'm looking forward to hearing about it...I'm terrible curious! ;)

  • At 7:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Kim, I am still keeping up with you. I know that this is a big step, but God has done so much, He won't let you down now! I think you will enjoy getting to spend some specific time with the bwins. You will also be amazed at how quickly that list can be accomplished each day. You have wonderful kids who will do well wherever they are planted. Just think of all the lives that will experience love just by knowing your great kids!
    love ya!

  • At 8:11 PM, Blogger Elle said…

    I can imagine that homeschooling that many children can be a challenge. I fear doing my one and he'll be attending preschool too. Needs the extra challenge in learning.

    I'm still here reading.

  • At 8:48 PM, Blogger A Room to Grow said…

    Hi! I check in almost every day. I haven't been leaving many comments anywhere because I don't have anything to say. Or I'm too tired to type. Wow, the life change thing sounds huge. Can't wait to learn more. I've never considered doing the homeschool thing, since we have really good local schools and I don't think I have the patience to teach my own kids. Wow, sounds like alot is happening in your neck of the woods!

  • At 8:57 PM, Blogger Chelley said…

    G day!
    I am always reading your blog! I may not post a comment too often but I have enjoyed sharing your life.....

    I wish you all the best for the first day of school... I know how hard it is my twins started this year. And I am still getting use to not having them around....

    I hope that the life change goes well. And I hope that no one is sick or anything I am worried that it is a health issue.. If you can tell us without telling us....

    anyways hugz and prayers for new starts and new adventures!!

  • At 10:19 PM, Blogger Jenni said…

    I think that the public school decision is a good one (naturally - I'm a public school teacher!). Personally, I've been amazed at how moms like you and Mary at Owlhaven do it! I've got enough to think about arranging curriculum for one grade level. How you manage multiple grade levels while teaching your own kids (which is WAY different than teaching someone else's), is a mystery to me. Hopefully public school will work out fine for the kids, and you'll feel less pressure to wear so many different hats in one day.

    Best of luck to you and your family, no only with the school transition, but with the major change coming up in a year.

  • At 4:14 AM, Blogger Maggie said…

    I'm here, of course. For some reason your updates don't display on bloglines so I have to remember to click over from my blog. Since Slugger's homecoming, my memory just isn't what it used to be!

    OK. I'm totally curious about the life change. Huge decision about sending the older four to public school. I hope they really enjoy it and benefit from it. It will be interesting to see if they're way ahead of their peers or right on track.

  • At 7:38 AM, Blogger Wendy said…

    I'm still here! I love catching up with your family. Good luck with all the changes!

  • At 9:15 AM, Blogger Hawk said…

    I'm still here... reading at every update. You are a great Biblical inspiration to me and always have shown living through God's love.

    I can't wait to see how your big change unfolds! Sending kiddos off to school has to be scary! Good luck!

  • At 6:51 PM, Blogger Adrienne, Another Ordinary Miracle said…


    I rarely leave comments, but I want you to know I've been reading your blog for quite some time! I'm very curious to see what life change is going to be happening soon and can't wait to read about the children's adjustment to the public school classroom.


  • At 7:29 AM, Blogger jessy said…

    I'm here, too. As you know, my kids attend public school. Not because I couldn't give them a great education here, but for the reasons you mentioned: my own sanity, and because I want them to learn to be self-confident, fearless, and able to communicate with people from different back-grounds. I also want to make sure the younger children get the attention and focus that they need to be ready for their formal education. I know your kids will do great.
    No fair with the "life changing" event and NO information. Hmmm....job change? pregnancy? move? adoption? becoming international missionaries?
    Oh, what could it be??!!

  • At 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am here. I have been a lurker for a while. I love hearing about your family!

  • At 10:46 AM, Blogger Melissa said…

    I'm still reading. I think it will benefit everyone if they go to public school. You for your sanity and them for socializing, taking direction from different people and learning from teachers with different teaching styles and methods than yours. I know you will miss them, but at least the little ones will get more ind. attention. And you can look forward to all the great stories they have from school.

  • At 11:12 AM, Blogger kate said…

    I still check in every day, Kim. ;>

  • At 3:32 PM, Blogger Deb said…

    I know it was a hard decision for you to put the kids in public school but it sounds like the right decision and that you will all benefit.
    I'll be praying for whatever it is that your future holds that you are all prepared for it.

  • At 11:43 PM, Blogger Jane said…

    I'm still around... just can't manage to keep up with all that is going on this summer! I am praying that once September gets here, it will slow down a tad... as my post from Thursday stated... I'm tired!

    You have me soooo curious about the life change... jessy hit my thoughts. When will we find out!?!

    I'm praying for your family as you guys head to public school.

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