Monday, February 12, 2007
Doing Better
I enjoyed a good Saturday afternoon and evening with my hubby. We went out to eat, went Valentine shopping for the kids, and just hung out. It was nice. I did no housework and I didn't have to cook at all. I just vegged. It was so nice. Thanks D for giving me some time off.

I knew what one of my problems was all week long, but didn't have the drive nor the energy to fix it or do anything about it. I found a verse this morning while H was having her MRI that summed up how I felt and what my problem was.
"Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul? Why are you crying the blues? Fix my eyes on God--soon I'll be praising again. He puts a smile on my face. He's my God." Psalm 42:5
I knew that I was living on my own strength recently. I had gotten so busy that I hadn't taken time to read my Bible or pray very much. Many of you have commented that you wonder at how I do all that my life demands. The answer is: only by the strength of God. Last week I was trying it on my own and I was failing miserably. Saturday, I got some time alone with God and was able to recharge. I know many of you don't understand or agree with this, but it is how I live. God is my source of strength. I am so grateful that He loves me so much.

Another problem that I had last week that I was not aware of had to do with the medication I was taking for my cold and sinus problems. I thought I was taking a Sudafed substitute, but was taking something different all together. It finally dawned on me Saturday and I went to check the label. Sure enough: "May cause drowsiness." In Kim lingo that means: "Will knock you cold and make you unable to function." I stopped taking it and my energy level is getting back to normal- still tired, but not exhausted.

A third contributing factor is the life I lead(mom to 6 kids, homeschooling four different grade levels in every subject, coaching, running a household, church obligations, etc.). We are praying about some changes. When everything is running smoothly, it is challenging. When there is a bunch of fighting and battling, it is extremely difficult. The kids have been bickering a lot lately. I have been having massive trouble with El and L, lots of lying and rebelling. I think they are going through a phase similar to when they came home. They are just testing again, but it is pretty severe and very draining. We have also had a lot of doctor's appointments, etc. that have had us going non-stop. I am very diligent about our schooling and it really cuts into our time to have to go do all of the other things we have to do and still make sure all of our schoolwork gets done everyday. It makes our work doubled. Taking six children grocery shopping for hours and sitting in doctor's offices for hours is emotionally draining.

Having said all of that, I am fine. Thanks for all of your well-wishes. I just freaked a little last week. My body had just had enough. I'm back on track and ready to go for a while longer. I'm going to try and make sure that I keep my Source connected and don't try to go out on my own again. I'm also not going to take that medicine anymore. Everything else will take its place. In the end, I am such a blessed woman. I have six beautiful children, a loving husband who provides for our every need and many wants, and family and friends who care about us all. I am blessed. Thank you.
posted by 6blessings @ 1:39 PM  
  • At 4:08 PM, Blogger Deb said…

    So glad to hear you are doing better. I truly understand what you mean. I think I will write that verse somewhere I can see it often.
    So glad you had/took time to recharge.

  • At 7:38 PM, Blogger Lea said…

    Very glad to hear that you are feeling better and reconnected.

  • At 8:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am glad to hear you are doing better Kim. You had me worried there for awhile. I wish you all the very best!! Take care of yourself every now and again okay.


  • At 4:12 AM, Blogger Melissa said…

    whoever has you has their sbp needs to get you a day at the spa. you need to regenerate. i hope you feel better soon and that things go smoother this week.

  • At 6:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So glad that things are on the way up. God sure has a way of letting us know when we are trying to do it without Him. K was so disappointed that she missed Ed and Z on Sunday. B got sick during the night so we weren't there in the a.m. Please tell Ed and Z she is sad she missed them. Will continue to remember you all in my prayers.

  • At 8:58 AM, Blogger mommyto5 said…

    So glad to hear you are feeling better:) God Bless!!!

  • At 7:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Kim,
    I'm glad you are doing better. I know from the lady I babysit for with 6 kids that sometimes she really needs to be refreshed and recharged. I feel blessed that I am able to do that for her and I'm so glad that someone was able to do that for you. You are an incredible Mom!
    Thanks so much for the Valentine's E-Card and for your prayers and encouragement, they mean so much to me.

  • At 10:06 PM, Blogger A Room to Grow said…

    six kids is alot!!! glad you are doing better.

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