Saturday, June 23, 2007
7 year old J
I am trying to play blogger catch-up now.

This post is dedicated to my oldest son, J. He was the easiest birth, easiest baby, and has been the easiest child in the world so far. God has given him the most worry-free, laid back nature that I have ever seen. He is kind, gentle, loving, sensitive, and understanding, yet he is all boy! He is truly an absolute joy and blessing.

J's birthday was June 13. He turned 7 years old. Around our house, we don't do friend parties every year (a lesson I learned from a dear friend who also has a large brood). It is just too costly with our number of children. In addition, they don't need all of the stuff that piles up from birthday gifts each year. We make sure they feel special with love and family gifts, but we are not into spoiling and overindulging. On the off years that they do not have a friend party, they are allowed to invite one friend to stay the night and we celebrate that way. This year was an off year for J.

Here's J on the left, his friend in the middle, and L on the right getting ready for birthday cookie! Watch out world, the Spidermen are on the loose!
J and his friend outside. He is from our church. They are the same age and are good buds!
J also lucked out this year because our church took a field trip to the zoo on his bday. We got discount tickets and went with our dear friends (the ones who are now in China getting their little girl). H was gone at church camp so she is not included in the picture below.
Upon arriving home from the zoo, it was time for dinner, presents, and more cookie cake. The kids always get to pick their favorite dinner for their birthday meal. J picked tacos. He even gave up eating pizza with the church at the zoo for mom's tacos. Then it was present time. J got this outdoor adventure kit that he had been wanting and a scooter. The tent is tiny and has been set up in his room ever since. He sleeps with his head in it and his feet hanging out every night. He is really into science-type activities. He got a Star Theater from his MeMa and PaPa, at his request. His daddy couldn't be happier. They lay in the dark study several nights per week and learn about the universe.
BONUS PIC AND INFO: This is J with his first ever trophy. Last night he had his end-of-the-season t-ball party and received this trophy. He was thrilled beyond measure. Can you tell?

Thank you God for your precious gift of my son, J!
posted by 6blessings @ 6:30 AM  
  • At 9:35 AM, Blogger Elle said…

    Happy Birthday J!

  • At 12:55 PM, Blogger Jenni said…

    Happy birthday to J! It looks like he had a fun time.

  • At 8:24 PM, Blogger jessy said…

    Happy Birthday to J! Just from last year's pics to this--you can see a huge difference. He's really hit a growth spurt hasn't he?

    He sounds a whole lot like my oldest. Gentle, sensitive, EASY. K is my biggest help.

  • At 4:17 AM, Blogger Melissa said…

    happy birthday to a special boy. that is so great. love the picture with the trophy. Now I understand Jen's comment on my blog. It was meant for you, but she mistakenly put it on mine. She was talking about how she didn't do kid partys all the time either.

  • At 6:52 AM, Blogger Jennefer said…

    What a sweet boy you have! We do parties every other year for my kids- but growing up with 8 bro and sis we did birthday parties every 4 years. i totally agree that you don't need so many friend parties. Family parties can be just as special.

  • At 10:31 AM, Blogger Chris Goeppner said…

    What a sweet boy. You are truly blessed to have 6 wonderful children.
    BTW, you mentioned J's name in your blog. I thought I'd let you know if you want to take it out.

  • At 3:39 PM, Blogger Deb said…

    Happy Birthday J. Hope special that he wanted your tacos instead of pizza with the church.
    He looks so happy about the trophy.

    That's a great idea to do off year birthdays.

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