Friday, December 28, 2007
The First 8 Days of Christmas Break
Well, here it goes. D and I tried to fit it into the Twelve Days of Christmas song, but we weren't that talented.

Day 1: Found out E has to have an MRI Arthrogram on her shoulder. She hurt it about 2 months ago and hasn't moved it hardly at all since. Her original MRI back in mid-November showed fluid buildup. Doc sent her to therapy for a month. Not much better. Now she has to have a 3 inch needle injected into her shoulder joint shooting dye for a clearer view. The doc suspects a possible tear, which would mean surgery.

Day 2: L is extremely lethargic after his wrestling tournament. D says he fell asleep on the mat between matches. H snuggles with him on the chair to comfort him. L throws up all over the chair and H. H has a low gag reaction anyway. She runs to bathroom, throws up in sink, starts the water running in it to rinse it out, goes on to toilet to finish her ordeal. After about 5 min. she turns around to turn the water off, only to realize the drain has been plugged the whole time and the entire countertop, the drawers, all of the cabinets, and the carpet are flooded with what she deposited plus tons of water. Two hours of cleanup and sanitizing followed.

Day 3: Good; good day at church, getting ready for Christmas

Day 4: Christmas Eve; drove about 2 1/2 hours round trip and spent the day with D's mom and sister. Good get-together, our last Christmas with them.

Day 5: Christmas Day: Great beginning. Lots of fun. Kids had a blast. Took out at about 1 p.m. to head to my family's home(about 2 1/2 hours away). E starts complaining of a tummy ache. We blame it on motion sickness which happens quite frequently with her. A few hours after we arrive at my parent's house and many trips to the bathroom later, we realize this is not car sickness. We go to the bathroom many times during gift exchanging and by about halfway through, she begs to go to bed. By the time we're done with gifts, Z is begging to go to bed. By the time D and I go to bed, Z is running a very high fever and complaining of a bad headache.

Day 6: Z wakes up on fire still and says her throat hurts. Mom takes us to Urgent Care. Z is diagnosed with strep throat and is given an antibiotic. E is not puking every 5 minutes, but is definitely not normal still. H and J stay with mom and dad because we will see them the next day at D's gpa's funeral. We head home. L is running fever when we get home.

Day 7: The four we had with us were doing better in the morning, but Mom calls saying that H didn't sleep at all because she was up all night vomiting and has a fever. J is also complaining of a stomachache. We are preparing to go to D's grandpa's funeral (died on the 17th, H's b'day; would have been 100 on Valentine's Day, D was in charge of the funeral). Mom and Dad decide to come on to the funeral with the kids (about 3 1/2 hours). Mom calls shortly after they leave, J is now throwing up too and running fever. We go to the funeral (D did a great job). Mom stays with the sick kids in a separate room at the church. By the time the funeral was over, El came to me and was completely lethargic and running a fever. We made it to within 15 minutes of home before he started throwing up. We get a call from E's doc that says they can't get her MRA done until Jan. 2. Our deductible was already met for 2007, but I guess we'll get a good start on 2008! After getting home, L seems extremely tired, I let him nap thinking he was just worn out. Nope! At bedtime, D goes to pick him up. He is on fire. He had 104.2 degree fever. We medicate him and put him in bed with us.

Day 8: Everyone else seems back to normal somewhat, but I'm dying. I've fought sinus trouble all week and it has escalated. The doc is booked. I go to Urgent Care. I have a sinus infection and am prescribed an antibiotic.

Tomorrow begins days 9-13, then it is back to school. I think things are looking up. Everyone seems to be on the mend. Tomorrow is H's big 13th birthday party. It should be fun. At some point, we have to Lysol everything, put away Christmas gifts, unpack, and get the house back in some order.

The last few days sure have been crazy: 5 rounds of stomach virus, 1 strep throat, 1 sinus infection, many unexplained fevers, and a funeral (all but 1 round of stomach virus happened within 3 days). However, our last Christmas at home will obviously be very memorable. We certainly didn't enjoy all of the yucky parts, but we did have sweet times with our wonderful family. We enjoyed traditions that will go on next year without us. We enjoyed thinking about how we will incorporate them when we are gone. We enjoyed laughing and playing games with our loved ones, even amidst the craziness and chaos. There were many wonderful moments that we will cherish forever. We also look forward to what next year brings and what this time of year will mean to us over there. It's actually quite an exciting thought! Hope you all had a great Christmas! We look forward to 2008!
posted by 6blessings @ 8:08 PM  
  • At 9:55 PM, Blogger Maggie said…

    Wow. Not the events you hope your holiday is filled with!!

  • At 7:42 AM, Blogger kim said…

    Wow... bless your heart. On the bright side, at least everyone was sick close to the same time. On the other hand, too bad it happened during Christmas. Yikes.... you have had a tough month with the weather and now the illness. Here's hoping 2008 gets off to a wonderful start for you.

  • At 11:01 PM, Blogger kate said…

    i'm glad you managed to find some time for games and togetherness in the midst of all that. not fun. hope days 9-12 are uneventful! wishing you a HEALTHY start to the new year.

  • At 6:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow. That's a lot of sickness! Poor kids, and poor parents!!! (Not to mention, poor grandma!)

    Hope you're all on the mend!


  • At 12:24 PM, Blogger Melissa said…

    holy cow. I cant believe how sick your family got. I hope you all get better soon. happy and healthy 2008

  • At 6:06 PM, Blogger Jane said…

    wow! you know this does not make me look forward to EVER being a parent. Is it easier when they are all sick at the same time, or is it easier when it is stretched out over a longer period of time?

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