Thursday, June 22, 2006
Stumbling to the Finish Line
I feel as if we are stumbling to the finish line. We have had road blocks pop up everywhere, but God is breaking through them. At this time, we should be packing and getting the last minute touches finished on the room, etc. We are working on those things but doing everything else too. A few days ago, we weren't sure if we were even going to get to keep our court date. We are breathing easier now.

As many of you know, after we received our court date, we realized that our CPA license and two doctor's licenses would expire on June 30- 4 days before court! This has been a real problem. Everybody is depending on everyone else to do their job and get these licenses renewed. The CPA and one of the doctors are supposed to have theirs any day now according to the licensing boards. However, the other one is held up in a bureaucratic mess. He sent his application in to the hospital he works under a long time ago. They are supposed to cut the check for his renewal and send it all in. They haven't done this yet. I called the his office and they told me to call the hospital. I called the hospital, they told me it was completely confidential and was none of my business. The only person who could find out about the status of his license was the doctor himself.

So, I called the doctor's office back. The lady that answered the phone was extremely rude. I told her who I was and started explaining the situation. She very sharply said, "Oh, we all know who YOU are and what YOUR problem is." I went on to explain what the lady at the hospital told me. She said, "Look, he's never going to get that license back in YOUR time frame!" I explained to her that there were two little boys sitting in a remote Russian orphanage and that if I didn't get this license, that is where they would remain. She agreed to ask the doctor about it, to which I asked her to have the doctor call me directly.

The doctor called me back and said there was nothing he could do. The hospital only cuts check on Fridays, no exceptions. He did find out that his check is supposed to be cut this Friday. Then the hospital will have to send it in to the licensing agency and they will renew his license.

I called the licensing agency and the lady on the other end was an angel. She said she had his chart pulled and would drop everything else when she received his renewal. However, she cannot give me a copy of his license. He has to do that. As you can see, we are going to run out of time. Therefore, I asked if they would issue a letter stating that he will be renewed and for what period of time. At first she said they couldn't, then she put me on hold and came back and said she had talked to the director. They would do anything they had to if it would get our kids home. Thank you God for those angels.

So, we are still waiting. However, by next Tuesday or Wednesday I should have everything in my hand. Then I will make one last trip to the Secretary of State and get the licenses apostilled. At that point I will breathe again.
posted by 6blessings @ 11:56 AM  
  • At 2:41 PM, Blogger Deb said…

    Oh Kim that is an amazing show of God's hand at work to bring these boys home into your family. So glad you will get everything in time. Praying that there are no more hiccups.

  • At 3:32 PM, Blogger Maggie said…

    Thank goodness for small kindnesses. It will all work out somehow.

  • At 9:28 PM, Blogger A. Lin said…

    I can't imagine the amount of stress you are going through with all this red tape. But I know there is hope that in the near future all of this drama will be over.

    I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  • At 10:37 PM, Blogger sandy said…

    Kim, you have such perseverance! Way to stick with it! And I can't believe that the lady at the doctor's office was so rude to you. Incredible. I'm hoping and praying that you have everything you need in time for you to go back to Russia to bring your boys home!

  • At 7:53 AM, Blogger Jennefer said…

    It is so sad how we have to beg and plead for people to help us with this process, but you sound like you did great. I am sure God touched some hearts along the way.

    You are being carried on angel wings. Don't forget that.

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