Monday, June 12, 2006
Can you hear me screaming? No, I'm not screaming but I sure feel like it. I usually sit down and write carefully, but I'm just going to vent for a minute. Feel free to tune out. I just need to get it out. Actually, I just need to cry and I don't have time for that.

This paperwork stuff stinks!!!! We are supposed to have all these last minute paper redos over in region by THURSDAY!!! We have worked really hard, but you can't always get others to move at the same pace that you want them to move. After weeks of calling doctor's offices I finally think we are going to have it all together. NOPE!!

I am in the middle of coaching a week long gymnastics camp at OU. I am working 8:30 to 12:30, 2 to 5:30 and 7 to 8:45 every day. That doesn't count the 15 minutes one way to and from the gym, loading kids up, feeding them, etc. Right before noon today, I call the doctor's office to ask one more time if our papers are ready. "Sure, they're ready, " they say. I load my kids plus two more in my van and head to pick them up in Oklahoma City. I get there and guess what? They're not done. We wait about 20 minutes and they bring them to me in a manilla envelope. I open it up, just to check. Sure enough, it's wrong. In addition, this doctor's license also expires June 30- 4 days before court!! That's three expirations that have to be fixed before we get on a plane on June 30. Anyway, they tell me they can have them done by tomorrow.

I rush back to work and I'm about 15 minutes late. I explain that I'll need to have tomorrow afternoon off to get these papers and head to the Secretary of State to get them apostilled. My boss is sympathetic and says it will be okay. Whew!! I coach several more hours in the heat and then head home to feed the troops in my hour and a half that I'm free.

I get home and open my emails. The people we are using for our visas has left an urgent message saying we filled out the wrong paper. There's also an urgent message on my answering machine telling me to call right away. First of all, we filled out the exact same form we did the first trip. Has it changed in the last few months? Anyway, I call every number I have for them and kept getting answering machines.

On top of all of this, my son turns 6 tomorrow and I don't have any presents for him!! I guess I'll go shopping tomorrow while I'm waiting for the apostilles. I also need to make a cake. I did get tomorrow night off to celebrate!! Thank goodness.

Oh yeah, I also had a parking ticket on my car when I left the gym this afternoon. I have parked there in that same spot forever. One of my gymnasts' mom is a police officer and she parks there and says it's fine. However, today, I got a ticket for parking there. Lay it on! Just lay it on!!

Well, thanks for listening or at least putting up with the rambling. I just needed to vent. My head is ready to explode. Really, I have a throbbing headache!! I know (or at least hope) that everything will work out and will be okay, but I'm starting to get worried about getting there with the right stuff so we can bring them home.
posted by 6blessings @ 4:08 PM  
  • At 6:30 PM, Blogger Deb said…

    It sounds like you are having such a rough day. Just remember the reward at the end of it all. Those boys will be home soon.

  • At 7:47 PM, Blogger Maggie said…

    Sucky days abound in the adoption process. Soon... soon this messy stuff will be all over and you can just focus on your family. Hang in there and fight through it.

  • At 9:21 PM, Blogger Rhonda said…

    I'm sorry you had such a terrible day. I've learned from reading other people's sites that it always seems to come together. I hope you get to take a nice bubble bath tonight!

  • At 8:59 AM, Blogger sandy said…

    Kim, I had one of those not too long ago. =) I'm saying a prayer that today goes better. Don't forget the candles. =)

  • At 12:34 PM, Blogger Jennefer said…

    When it rains it pours. ALWAYS. I can't believe you even had time to blog about this. It does help to get it out, so I am glad you could. The paperwork is a hassle nightmare. I don't know how you do it- working, trying to do the paperwork, take care of your kids. I would have crashed and burned a long time ago. You are my hero! Let us know if things get worked out! And that ticket thing is messed up. That kind of stuff has happened to me too (Had my car towed once for parking at an apartment complex- I had no idea it was wrong to do that.)

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