Monday, May 22, 2006
Courage of Grace
This is a totally non-adoption post. However, it does involve a child and parents fighting to save a life. Therefore, it is similar.

After our move last summer, one of our main goals was to find a church home. After trying many places, we ended up finding the church we now belong to. It is an incredible place to worship and serve God. We are very blessed.

Shortly after beginning to attend there, we joined a Sunday School class. Our kids have their own classes and services. Our twin daughters kept coming home talking about a little girl that had cancer. We soon put two and two together and realized that it was our Sunday School teacher's little girl. At the time she was undergoing chemo and sported a cute bald head. We also found out that she was a twin. Her twin had the most gorgeous head of curly blonde hair. They are now 7 years old.

Well, about January, they were told that there were no signs of cancer anymore. Then, one month later, when they retested, they found tumors again. She has a very rare form of cancer called neuroblastoma. Because of its rarity, not much research has been done on it. Since Feb., her situation has declined rapidly. The tumors have grown and she is in terrible pain. Her pretty curly blonde hair has grown back in, even with chemo treatments going on, but she is miserable. She has no desire to eat and all of the meds she's on (daily morphine, etc.) makes her sick to her stomach and she throws up. She is losing weight and the growth difference between her and her twin is very marked.

Today she is having surgery to put a new port in for her treatments. They are also hoping that a new trial drug will be approved because she is their prime candidate to use it on. It is neuroblastoma specific.

My request is for lots of prayer for this sweet little one. Her name is Kraleigh Grace Burnett. My twins are friends with these little girls. My twins cry for each other and hurt for each other when they fall down and get a scrape. I can't imagine what her twin feels! Kraleigh needs prayer for healing and for wisdom of the doctors, and for her appetite. Her parents, Rhett and Misty are very godly people and their faith is so strong. However, can you imagine going through this? I can't imagine it at all!! Please pray for them also, for their strength and peace in this trying time. Also, please pray for Calysta, her twin.

I also want to make a plea for their finances. I know most of you that read this blog are just as strapped for cash in this adoption frenzy as we are. However, if you feel led to help, they have tons of mounting medical bills. There has been fundraiser after fundraiser and the need is still great. They are literally battling for her life. Here is the website that documents their battle and shows pictures of sweet Kraleigh:

Thanks for helping if you can, and most of all, for praying.
posted by 6blessings @ 5:48 AM  
  • At 7:10 PM, Blogger Maggie said…

    Oh my prayers are with them. I can't imagine how awful it would be to see your child in such pain. I'm heading over to their site right now.

  • At 9:53 PM, Blogger Jennefer said…

    I will definitely pray for this little girl. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. That is such a tender age. I can't imagine. Kids with cancer have a much better chance of getting better than adults, so there is hope.

  • At 8:25 PM, Blogger Rhett Burnett said…

    Thank you Kim. We love you and Damon & your kids so much. I miss you in SS but know you guys are serving in such a mighty way. Thank you & God bless you for posting asking for prayer for Kraleigh. Thank you so much. We love you guys.

  • At 8:40 PM, Blogger Rhonda said…

    They are in my prayers.

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