Friday, June 23, 2006
Showers of Blessings
When I first started this adoption blog, I was completely and utterly consumed with the financial aspect of adoption. When we first felt called to adopt, we said, "It's impossible!" It was way too much money. We were already supporting 4 kids and all of their activities, medical needs, etc. We are just average people. My husband had just started his own law practice and we were in debt from getting that up and going. Of course, since it was new, the clientele was low, and the ones he did have were mostly non-paying. We didn't see a way. However, we listened to the call and stepped out in faith.

Through the journey, God has been refining us and making us into who He wants us to be. We have suffered loss of children, paperwork troubles, accepting a new mission with older children who had medical needs, etc. God has been with us through it all. You would think I would have learned my lesson. Even this week though, when things looked bad, I still "freaked out" momentarily and panicked. The next morning, I realized that God has been with us on His mission through this whole thing and He would not abandon us. I calmed down at that point and put my trust back where it should have been from the beginning.

Anyway, throughout all of this, my focus has gone off the money and onto the really important things- becoming who God wants me to be and bringing home the kids that He wants to be a part of our family. I always knew that God would provide the finances. However, I thought he would do it in some lightning bolt way, like some totally anonymous person walking up, handing us a check for $40,000 and saying God told him to do it. Needless to say, that has not happened. God could have made that happen, but that was not His plan. One day, part of the way through this adventure, I realized that my husband's business was doing really well. In a still small voice, I heard Him say that He would provide in His time and His way. I realized that even if we had to borrow it, God would provide the way to pay it all back, but His timing for these children was now.

Over the last month, we have had a garage sale that made $900, an end-of-the-season/adoption money gift from my gym/work, beds and table donated, clothing given, etc. One of our other concerns was the fact that my dh is self-employed and would be missing almost a month of work. He settled a case the other day. Guess how much his cut was? ... Enough to pay August bills! How cool is that! Then, last night we had a family night. We went to the local pool and then to get sno cones- a last big family outing before we are separated for 3 weeks. When we got home, we checked our mail. In the mail was a letter stating we had been approved for an adoption grant in a very large amount(enough to cover all of our flights for this trip- to and from the US and to and from region for everybody)! God does provide... in His time and in His way. We still have incurred debt from this ordeal, but God has shown us time and again, just when we needed it, that He is faithful and He is with us when we are obedient to His call.

Will I "freak out" again? I'm quite sure I will- probably next week or maybe tomorrow or maybe even tonight. I'm kind of stubborn like that. Hopefully, though, I am learning to come out of my "freak outs" quicker and trust His loving arms to carry us through. His showers of blessing have been raining down upon us financially, emotionally, spiritually, and through our family. I am such a blessed woman. Thank you God for all of your blessings.
posted by 6blessings @ 11:47 AM  
  • At 1:49 PM, Blogger Deb said…

    Wow what a blessing. No need to worry about that part now.

    I struggle with that side of this journey often. It always helps to hear how others are blessed.

    What day do you leave?

  • At 2:40 PM, Blogger Maggie said…

    That's wonderful.

  • At 4:28 PM, Blogger 6blessings said…


    We leave on the 30th at 8 a.m. from OKC. It is now less than a week away. One week from now, we will be on that awful flight across the ocean! :-) It is more than worth it!


  • At 4:38 AM, Blogger Deb said…

    Kim I have the show on video. I can try to copy it and send it to you if you want.

  • At 8:49 AM, Blogger Jennefer said…

    It is amazing how God comes through. I am so glad that you have been so blessed. I wish that you had seen that NBC show on Russian adoption last night. It was all about this same issue. I just read that maybe you can get it from Debbie. I hope so!

    It is funny, sometimes when I read about your struggles and how you overcome them I think of your gymnastics family jumping and flipping through the adoption obstacle course to the finish line. Yeah, I am a little crazy.

  • At 12:01 PM, Blogger Brian & Rebeca said…

    I have learned that God provides where He leads for He is faithful. Thansk so much for writing on this subject.

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