Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Catching Up
Whew! We've had busy weekend/beginning of the week. My parents came down last Thursday and brought their RV. Our children's pastor at our church owns a ranch that he uses for children's retreats, events, etc. This last weekend was Ranch Camp. We left on Friday afternoon and came back Saturday afternoon. In addition to worship services in the barn, there were fun activities like a wiener roast/s'mores, trip through the Bible hayride, fireworks show, screamin' eagle zip line, frisbee golf, BB golf, gold panning, petting zoo, several inflatables, horseback rides, and a trip to a laser zone fun center with laser tag, bowling, and mini golf. Needless to say, the whole family kept busy. It was a lot of family fun! The kids got the added excitement of sleeping in MeMa and PaPa's big trailer.

Sunday was busy with church, Hope Ministry meeting, and small group. Then yesterday morning we had to be up bright and early for D's surgery. We were at the surgical center by 5:45 a.m. and he was hooked up and headed to surgery at around 6:30 a.m. It was a rough first day, but overall it went well. We were so grateful to God that they didn't have to cut on him and were able to take care of everything through the scope. He has 4 small incisions. They found out that his labrum in his shoulder socket was torn back and frayed out, in addition to a little bursitis. They cleaned everything up and put 3 "anchors" in to tack it back down in place. He is in a straight-arm sling and isn't allowed to move his arm/shoulder for a month. After that, he will start physical therapy.

He had a rough time with the anesthesia and as of when we went to bed last night, the nerve block was still in affect. I have a feeling he'll be in more pain today, but hopefully everything will be fixed and in a few months he'll feel a lot better. Thanks for everyone's prayers.
posted by 6blessings @ 4:54 AM  
  • At 10:43 AM, Blogger jessy said…

    I don't know what a labrum is, but glad your master is healing.

  • At 7:42 PM, Blogger Maggie said…

    Sorry to hear D had a rough time with the anesthesia. Please give him my best. I'll be thinking of him and sending good wishes your way.

  • At 8:48 PM, Blogger Jane said…

    so glad to hear they were able to do the repairs via camera instead of knife....makes healing SOOOO much better.

    Feel better D!

  • At 8:53 AM, Blogger Brandie said…

    I'm just now playing catch-up and boy a lot has changed!! I hope everthing gets easier for D. And MOVING TO CHINA!!! oh my, how EXCITING.
    I haven't been logging on too much lately, I've been frustrated with the whole adoption/accred. thing. But I know SOMEDAY our day will come! SO during those depressions, I tend not to log on, then I'll get an itch to see how everyone is doing. I'm so happy everything is going great for you and your family.
    I'd love to be included on the new blog, if you are taking requests!!
    Take care and I'll touch base again soon.

  • At 6:28 PM, Blogger Melissa said…

    glad things went ok with the surgery. Speedy recovery.

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