Monday, November 20, 2006
4 months

Well, today marks four months since our plane touched down in the U.S. The boys are making amazing progress. To us, it's just like they've always been here. However, I don't think it feels like that to them always.

Progress Report:

1. Medical: They had more blood tests run and all came out okay. We even had to turn in urine and other similar samples which all came back just fine. L's doctor has been incredibly slow, but after five weeks of bugging them, they finally called me back and said those words we just love to hear..."We're sending him for more tests." Ugh!! He goes back December 6 for the next test. He had three choking episodes last week.

2. Dental: We are now "regulars" at the dentist. We have a set weekly appointment time. A dear friend watches the other kids while they do their schoolwork and I take the boys to the dentist. El is almost done. He has one more visit next week in which he will get 2 crowns and then he is finished. L still has a long way to go. He is so quick-tempered and doesn't like it when someone starts messing with his mouth, makes him hold it open for long, or starts squirting anything into it. He gets very upset which slows down the amount of work they are able to do each time. Each visit gets better. El never even fusses now. He can get shots, get drilled on, and have crowns put on without a peep. The office staff is incredible and swarm around them and love them so much. The dentist is also very kind and is now in the process of pursuing his own Russian adoption. The pic above is of the dental office pumpkin which was awarded to the boys for being special patients. Isn't it cute?

3. Night Terrors: L hasn't had one in months. El still has 1-3 per week. Once I tried to keep him up and ask what it was about. He finally said, "Hurt Stasik". I asked who hurt Stasik, but never got a response. He was too tired. I don't know if he was delirious or if he really meant it.

4. Language: They are speaking English like crazy. Not much Russian comes out anymore. That is sad to me. I wish we knew enough to keep it going, but we don't. When anyone speaks Russian to them, they look at them like they're a nut and laugh. Everyone is amazed at their English progress.

5. Academics: I've posted about this before, but must do it again: They can write their names! Can you tell I'm just a little proud of this? They also have just about mastered most of the colors. We are about to take our schooling to the next level.

6. Discipline: It is totally amazing to me what a few months of consistency will do. They are doing amazingly well. Time outs still happen on occassion, but they are few and far between. Most conflicts are now handled on the spot with little or no tears. Lying is the biggest battle we are now facing. Trying to teach them to distinguish between truth and a lie and bridging the language barrier to explain it is tricky. We are also battling a little meanness about receiving kisses and I love yous from siblings. They, especially El, will wipe them off and then say, "Ni I love you." This, of course, hurts their sibling's feelings. We've explained that this isn't kind and have about got this habit finished off also.

7. Love: L comes and tells me, "Vitaly loves Mamka," about a thousand times per day and nearly chokes me with his hugs. El has not offered these words on his own yet, but is very clingy and loving in his own way. As I mentioned above, we feel like we've loved them forever, but they are still adjusting to being secure in love. About a week ago, L was having an extremely bad morning. After a while, D and I picked him up and hugged him between us and kept saying, "Mama u Papa loves L". All of the other kids were at the table eating breakfast. All of a sudden, we noticed El crying. He was so upset. We had to put L down and put El in between us and tell him the same thing over and over to calm him down. The insecurity in our love really shocked me because they usually seem so secure. I realized then that this was a long process.

We have contact with their grandmother in Russia. We wrote to her, and to our surprise, she wrote back. We responded and I thought it would be nice to include something from the boys. Therefore, I asked them to color a picture for her and write their name on it. El looked scared and I realized that maybe he thought he was going back. I told him, "No. Stasik stoy Mama u Papa dom forever." A little later, I heard L talking to himself saying that Stas was staying and he was teary-eyed. I then had to tell him that he was staying with us forever too. Hopefully security will come with time.

All in all, I am totally amazed with their progress. They are absolutely amazing little guys. I feel so blessed that God chose me to be their mother.
posted by 6blessings @ 11:53 AM  
  • At 2:31 PM, Blogger Maggie said…

    They're coming along well. That security will come, they just need the time to learn what trust is again.

  • At 5:27 PM, Blogger Melissa said…

    4 months really has made an impression on them. They are doing great. You should be so proud.

  • At 6:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    They really have comes such a long way! you and Damon are doing such a great job with them. As well as your other kids. I just saddens me to think of what these little guys have been thru to cause the nightmares. I am so very thankful the Lord placed them in your family Kim. You all are like a perfect fit for each other. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am anxious to read the post on their 1st Thanksgiving!


  • At 2:59 PM, Blogger Jenni said…

    It sounds like they are coming along really well. Security and trust do take a long time to build. We've had our kids home for nearly a year now, and there are still moments when they are insecure in their place in our family. It is amazing how deep the hurts from their "past lives" can go.

  • At 5:56 PM, Blogger Jennefer said…

    It is so sad that it was so awful for them for so long that they cry at the thought of going back to Russia. I hope they soon come to learn that you guys will love and care for them forever. They have made so much progress. Your hard work and dedication has paid off and I know you guys have been blessed as well!

  • At 6:51 PM, Blogger A Room to Grow said…

    I am loving your updates since we'll be adopting children of a similar age. It's nice to hear about older adoptees issues and how they adjust.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • At 4:43 AM, Blogger Deb said…

    So glad to hear how well they are doing. I pray often for their medical issues. I hope they are all done soon.

  • At 4:52 PM, Blogger Suzanne said…

    Thank you so much for posting. I love reading how y'all are doing.

  • At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello good to hear your stories, your children all look so sweet :)

    what agency did you use, for home study and international adoption from Russia? My hubby and I just finished a home study and are prepapring the forms for dossier.

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