Monday, July 03, 2006
Court- Day 1
Well, the first day of court is done. It went well, I think. :-) It was about an hour long. The judge asked us all kinds of questions and then asked the social worker a lot of questions. We will share more specifics later. Tomorrow we go to "final court" at about 1 a.m. Oklahoma time. They say tomorrow will take one and a half to two hours. At that time the judge will make her ruling.

The coordinator told us that we will not have our ten days waived. They are not even considering it or accepting applications for it. Therefore, we hit the local grocery store today. We bought some meat, cheese, bread and Pringles. It was hard finding ordinary flavored chips. I guess we could have tried Paprika or Shrimp Flavors. Yuck!

We are learning our city a little bit and can make it around our little area quite well. We have found some balls that we are going to buy to take to the orphanage when we go back. They have told us we will get to go some during the 10 days, but not every day because it is so far. We have also found a good place to eat pizza- Dorito's Pizza. The sign looks exactly like Domino's, but it is Dorito's. The pizza is a little different too. Kids, I'm not sure you'd like it. We like the deluxe pizza, kind of like supreme, except with a few substitutions. For example, it has corn all over it. It is also topped with sour cream swirled on top and cilantro and dill sprinkled all over. Guess you wouldn't eat it either, huh, dad? :-)

Well, hopefully the next post will be filled with some official news. Thanks for all of the comments. That is what we miss most over here is communication. It lifts my mood to read your posts. Thanks.

Just a few personal notes:
Tina: Your package is in A's hands and hopefully on the way to F. I have so much to fill you in on about court.

Mom: Our "weight" is gone. Breathe. :-)

H, E, Z, J: We think about you constantly and miss you so much. Sorry the wait will be so long. Have fun and stay busy. I'm glad you're going to see Oklahoma. That will be so much fun. You will love it.
posted by 6blessings @ 7:34 AM  
  • At 8:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It great to hear that things are going so well. Since your waiting period wasn't waived, I hope you get a good chance to really soak in the culture there. What a unique opportunity we get through this process.

  • At 8:52 AM, Blogger Liz Brack said…

    Congrats Cagles!!
    I've been hearing all about your adventures from friends here in Hinton.
    Last night, I was watching TV late since I couldn't sleep and on Dateline was "From Russia With Love."
    All the time I was thinking of you guys. And your soon to be Russian boys.
    So I thought I'd check on you guys today and you almost have your boys!!! Yea!!
    Congratulations. You have definately been on my heart and in my prayers.
    Liz B

  • At 10:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Kim and Damon, SO SORRY that there is no hope of the time being waived but everyone will survive and you two can have a second honeymoon -- probably your last chance for just the two of you for quite awhile!! Ha Yes, you're right that we DEFINATELY would not like that pizza. But I guess if we got hungry enough we'd try it!!
    Everyone is fine. PaPa has taken the kids to the Pizza Hut to give them some time with him. Know he feels bad at having to work so much while they are here. After church and a meal out yesterday, he went to work and didn't get home til 8:45 p.m. Don't know how long he'll have to work tonight and on the 4th. He says they are having quite a few problems getting the new system to work correctly. I'll take the kids to the Expo pool this afternoon and then a lot of the day on the 4th will be spent at Jennifer's. I did get the tickets to OKLAHOMA and I just have a feeling everyone will enjoy that a lot. Keeping them busy!! Worse thing that has happened to any of the kids is mosquito bites here and there. Ha Enjoy your time together and we look very forward to your next blog telling us that the boys are a part of our family!!!! Kids will probably write later after they get back from PaPA'S outing. Glad your "weight" is gone!!!!!
    Love, Mom

  • At 10:46 AM, Blogger Elle said…

    So glad to hear you made it safe and sound. Also glad to hear the first part of court went well. Take time to learn about your son's town, country and culture while you are there. If there is an Orthodox church in your town do pay it a visit. If it one of the big fancy onion domed ones they should have a little "gift shop" that you can buy little things from. The baushkas are typically very sweet and delighted when you buy stuff from them.

    Can't wait to read about tomorrow's court!

  • At 11:23 AM, Blogger Suzanne said…

    This is so exciting. Thank you so much for sharing and know that we are thinking of you.

  • At 11:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Kim, I found your blog. Em & I are all caught up on your trip this far! Glad you made it over there after so many hours. Sorry to hear your waiting period won't be waived...hopefully the time will go by fast. Takes lots of pics...I will help you make a scrapbook when you get back.
    Tom and Jerry are fine...Cats love to watch them. I had a nightmare the first nite that the cats knocked them over and left them flopping around, but none of that here. GrayC did have a sip of 'fishy water' but I shoo'd her off and she hasn't tried it again since. I put them on my work desk so I can talk to them and they can watch me work : ) Take Care! Prayers for you both that all goes well tomorrow! Tonya

  • At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hi mommy and daddy!! we all miss you so much.

    hi mommy and daddy i miss you!!! i hope you have a good time in russia! we are having so much fun! we are about to go swimming. bye!

    hi mommy and daddy i miss you so, so, so much! i hope you have fun with the bwins! mommy i hope you get a lot of sleep that you need! tomorrow is the fourth of July. we are going to stay at the brocks house!! anyway, i love you both!

    i miss you sooooo much! i am having fun with PaPa!!! i hope you have fun with the bwins! i love you!!!

    hi mommy and daddy i hope you both are having fun!!!! i am doing a lot of typing for everyone!!! i guess it's good practice!!! we are all tired!! the wedding went well! i didn't know what to do so i went and sat down with everyone else and Cade stayed with Nai. it worked out perfectly though because Justice would have fell in the water. i saved him and the wedding. well half way! i better be done now. i love you guys and miss you and the bwins!! :)
    love always,

  • At 11:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Kim, you found pizza! I'm glad you and D are getting out in S. I feel better about it. I was so worried especially since the ten days weren't waived. I am SO sorry; I know the wait is hard. But you are so close to the finish line of this extraordinary journey! I can't thank you enough for putting my package in A's hands. Hopefully, F will get it to K&A. Too bad I couldn't spend those two extra hours in ATL with you! A 12-hr plane "flight" - how awful! I can't wait to hear ALL the details - I have a million questions. Tomorrow, L&E will be C kids! I'm making those signs! :) Tina

  • At 2:00 PM, Blogger Deb said…

    Glad court went well and that you are enjoying your time.
    Hope you get to spend a lot of time with the boys.

    It's so fun to read your kids comments. They are so cute.

  • At 4:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mom actually looked so beautiful and happy during the wedding. For no more prep that went into it, it went VERY well. The kids all did so great!! Han is right, she did save the wedding and J. The M. family is praying for you and your return. We love you! C.

  • At 10:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Congrats on your bwins. We saw all 4 of your kids since they have been here. Meg talks about J and H constantly. Log was happy to see J. Wishing you the best,

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