Sunday, July 02, 2006
Longest Day and the Best Morning
After 36 hours of travel, we are here! All three of our flights were delayed once we were on the plane. In OKC we were only delayed about 30 minutes. In Atlanta, two people checked their baggage, but never showed up for the flight. By law, they had to unload all of the luggage on the entire plane, pull out their pieces and then load it all back on the plane. We sat on the plane at the terminal for 2 hours before we took off. So, we were sitting in that cramped space for 12 hours instead of 10 hours. We had a 9 hour layover in Moscow. Once we got on the plane, we sat on it for an hour and a half before it took off. I'm sure they told us why, but all they spoke was Russian. We finally arrived, checked in to our hotel and hit a bed for the first time in 36 hours.I slept for four hours. Damon slept for five. Then it was time to get ready to go to the orphanage. It is an hour and forty-five minute drive one way to the orphanage. Along the way, we picked up a social worker who came with us. When we got to our village the social worker made them pull over at the church. She told us to get out and take pictures. She told us that the boys had been baptised there 2 weeks ago. When I asked why two weeks ago, she replied that they discovered that the parents had never baptised them as infants so they were baptised. We later saw pictures of many of the orphans being baptised.We asked if we could peek inside. They said we could. We had no idea what we were going to see. It was one of the most amazing and awe-inspiring things I have ever been a part of. They were having service. We stood at the back and were completely humbled. The place was ornate, gorgeous, indescribable. The service was like none I have ever been a part of, but you felt so overwhelmed with the reverence of it all. There was the most beautiful singing in the background that I have ever heard. Everyone stood. All of the women had their heads covered. We stayed for quite a while, but then had to leave. We hope to go back and take some pictures when they are not having service. We felt it would be disrespectful at the time today.We then went to the orphanage. We went into the director's room and started showing the social worker our pictures. Soon our sons were standing in the door, hands full of the things we had sent them. They came right to us and sat on our laps. The social worker asked them if they wanted to go with us and live in America with us. They shook their heads "yes". We played for the next 2 hours with them. We did things inside and then went outside. Outside there were four little girls, probably between 7 and 10 years old. They joined right in and I learned their names. They were fascinated with the video camera and wanted to use it. I let the older ones hold it and they had a blast. Then everyone decided to go inside. On the way in, a little girl, about 8 or 9, was walking beside me. She had stayed very close to me and had looked deep into my eyes several times. As we were walking, I reached over and patted her and ruffled her short blonde hair. Then she said words that pierced my heart. With blank, empty, lonely, longing eyes she looked and me and said, "I want a mama and papa too." I can't describe the pain that shot through my body at that moment. She was a beautiful child all dressed in her pink frilly dress. She didn't want much, just a mom and dad. I cannot get what she said out of my mind. I wish I could magically find her and her little sister a family. Her words will forever pierce my heart and make me cry.Inside once again, we played some more and then went over their court papers. We had to sign a paper saying we understood their medical issues. During this time we found out why they are such small children. We had always known that they were premature, we just didn't know how small they were. One was barely over 2 pounds at birth and the other one topped out at almost 3 pounds. They are miracles!!! I can't believe they survived in the little village hospital they were born in about 20 minutes from the orphanage. They are truly miracles and we feel so honored to become their parents.We came back to the hotel and got a bite to eat and then allowed ourselves a 2 hour nap. We are trying to reset our body clocks, but boy was it hard to get up then!!I want to thank you for all of the prayers for our travel. We will go to our first day of court tomorrow. We have court at about 5 a.m. Oklahoma time on Monday morning. I will post more later.
posted by 6blessings @ 1:22 PM  
  • At 1:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I hope I did this right!! i miss you guys so much!! We are all having a great time though! I am waiting for the fourth when i can wake up and look on here and know if i have two new brothers!! I went to Mema's Sunday School Class today. I'll just say it is very unique!! I may go to mine next week i don't know though. Mema and PaPa are going to take us to a place where they took you when you were little. it's the outdoor production of "Oklahoma". We're going Saturday night. Well i better bo done now!!! i love you!!!

  • At 1:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi there!!! SO glad you all arrived safely and that the boys remembered you and came to you easily!! I cried when I read the part about the other little girl who wanted a mom and dad!!! Don't you wish you had a HUGE home and a HUGE bank account so you could just adopt them all?!!! Can't wait to hear more from you - esp. on the final court date. I've got everyone I know praying that they will waive the waiting period. Josiah and Eden said for me to tell you they loved their bears and their cameras. Josiah named his "Berry" because he loves berries and hates cereal. Eden named hers "Prayer Bear". Hannah named hers Willie." Zion named hers "Angel." Hannah did a good job posting your blog. Take Care and we all look forward to greeting you and the sweet boys!!! Yes, they ARE miracles!! So tiny and yet evidentally quite strong!! Love, Mom

  • At 5:07 PM, Blogger Maggie said…

    I'm so glad you're able to post. You've been on my mind! It sound slike the boys didn't skip a beat in seeing you again. Take care, hug those boys (and that little girl) tight. I'm thinking of you!

  • At 10:05 PM, Blogger Rhonda said…

    Oh I'm so glad you made it safely! That story about the girl was so touching. It brought tears to my eyes. What a journey to get there! Your boys are miracles, and now they're being adopted into your family. What amazing lives they've had in such a short amount of time. I can't wait to read how the rest of the journey goes.

  • At 1:06 AM, Blogger sandy said…

    Hi Kim! I'm glad you and Damon made it safely to Russia, despite the grueling trip. And what a bittersweet day back at the orphanage.... so wonderful to see the boys, and yet so heartwrenching to hear the little girl's plea. I am heartbroken and humbled by what she said. Why can't this process be easier for all of us?? I am so glad that you are there to bring home the boys. I hope the whole process goes perfectly and that you are home soon. Post when you can! Sandy

  • At 5:13 AM, Blogger Deb said…

    So glad you made it there even with the delays.
    Great to hear that the boys remembered you both. That's wonderful.
    Looking forward to hearing "It's Official."

  • At 5:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Kim, Blessings to you in Russia! Thank you for sharing so authentically your family adoption story. We are every so slowly beginning our own adoption journey to Russia to adopt two girls. :) We are like you were in the beginning - our only hesitation is financial. Yet, we know God has called us to do this and He can. So your story means all the more especially at 'such a time as this' in our journey. We have twin sons who are 5 years old so your twins have special meaning to us as well. Will be glad to answer any questions if you ever have one - doubt it as a mother of four. We just started reading your story a couple of weeks ago and it has so blessed us. God bless you on your trip and getting home safely with your boys! Sincerely, MMT p.s. we do not have a webpage or blog page at this time. Are planning to begin our home study in a few weeks.

  • At 7:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am so glad you are finally there to get your boys. What a wonderful experience.

    The part about the girl wanting parents just kills me. I pray that she finds a home soon.

    Thanks for sharing this.

  • At 2:45 PM, Blogger A Room to Grow said…

    I'm happy to hear that you made it to Russia and you are so close to making your family "official". Your story of the little girl just breaks my heart because we are seeking two sisters (probably between 3-7). I hope her family finds her too! Wish it could be us!

  • At 6:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We are so glad the boys have you as their new parents. You all have been blessed.

    You have been in my thoughts and prayers and Kyla knows exactly when you are coming home.

    Have a safe trip. We will see you soon.

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