Thursday, October 12, 2006
Boogars, Kitchens, and Extractions... Oh My!!
Well, once again, it has been an absolutely crazy week and guess what...the weekend gets even crazier!!

I'm almost through with all my planned doctor's appointments. D took L Wednesday and had his test run. Basically, the x-ray technicians and others involved asked D why he was there. They said that nothing showed up last time on the barium swallow, so why was he back in there for another similar test. D explained that the scope indicated a stricture up high and they were going to do surgery. The medical professionals didn't seem to agree and thought they were wasting their time. I have called his GI doc several times and have received no word from him that might resolve this issue. I'll let you know when I hear something.

Today, it was time to go see the dentist. I knew it was going to be bad. Boy was I right! My kiddos have some awful teeth!! I'll spare you everything except the stats. El needs 7 pulpotomies (baby root canals/ nerve removal) and crowns, 2 fillings, 1 extraction, and a spacer to replace the extracted tooth. His treatment will be a piece of cake compared to L's. L needs 6-10 extractions (totally dead teeth) and 10-14 pulpotomies with crowns. The numbers vary because the dentists is not sure if four of his teeth are totally dead or just mostly dead. He will see if they are salvagable when he begins treatment. L has 20 teeth and every one of them will either be capped or pulled.

Okay, here's the kicker...we have no dental insurance! The estimates for treatment exceed $10,000. Where is the money tree? Aren't we still paying for their adoption? Did anyone count dental problems in those "hidden" adoption expenses? I'm only joking, okay, half-joking. I know that God will provide what we need for these kids. It will come from somewhere. He has been faithful in the past and He will be faithful now.

The dentist said that El will be okay once he gets his teeth fixed. L however is on a 10 year treatment plan. Because of all of the teeth he will have to have removed, his adult teeth will have no guidance to come in right. The dentist said this causes orthodontic nightmares. I asked if their adult teeth would be harmed as far as quality because L has several highly infected teeth. He said it was possible that L might have some damage, but the possibility was not really high. However, he said that poor nutrition while the adult teeth were forming (the last 4 1/2 years) would be more likely to cause problems.

El did fairly well and was mostly content to watch Dora on the TV screen in the ceiling. L, however, stunned the nurse with his tears flowing down, yet silent demeanor. I keep thinking it's going to get better, but it never does. Hopefully, someday.

Okay, now to explain the title. What do boogars and kitchens have to do with my kids' rotting mouths? After their visit, it was lunchtime. I told them I would take them to Mickey D's (our family version of the name). When we were almost there, I asked them what they wanted. El replied that he wanted "kitchen". Most of us call it chicken. L said he wanted a "boogar". I'm sure you can figure that one out.

In the end, both little guys were happy and content once they were chowing down on their fries, apple juice, boogars and kitchens.
posted by 6blessings @ 8:42 PM  
  • At 3:04 PM, Blogger Melissa said…

    Oh my is right. I can't believe about all the tooth problems. Funny story on the bottom though

  • At 9:14 PM, Blogger jessy said…

    Yikes, on the teeth thing! You know, when we got back with M, she needed a specialized helmet to reshape her head. No insurance, because it was "cosmentic," but just how is a kid going to have a normal life with a funny shaped head? Anyway, the head shaping people fitted her for a helmet at cost because insurance wouldn't cover it and she was internationaly adopted. It was like, "O.K., since it wasn't your neglegence, that caused this problem, we will give you the helmet half off." I guess your dentist hasn't offered something to that effect?

  • At 7:31 PM, Blogger Carolina Mama said…

    It is always good to hear from you. We are hoping to adopt two girls in the 3 years and under range. That is our plan and what we think would work well with our family dynamics. Our twin sons are 5, too. :) We will see what God has in store. Say a prayer! Have a good week!

  • At 5:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Your poor kids and their neverending torments to fix health problems. I am feeling for you too! It will get better. You are walking with them through the pain.

    Boogars and kitchens are too cute!

    Your mom sounds awesome!

    Praying for you for the money issues.

  • At 1:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just love those stories of mixed up words - it's definitely a sign of learning lots of new words in a hurry. At lunch a few weeks ago, my friend's little girl asked if she was going to order curvy chicken (that's curry to you and me)! I'm sorry for all the medical issues with your children right now. I hope they're better soon - and happy that your newest have you to see to their needs now.

  • At 10:27 AM, Blogger Suz said…

    Goodness, Kim what a time you will have with those teeth!

    I'm praying that God will use this for His glory as He has time and time again throughout the journey so far!

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