Wednesday, September 27, 2006
All Bundled Up
L, El, and J in their winter coats

Yesterday, the boys found an area that they hadn't discovered yet. It is a big wooden storage box that I keep all of our winter stuff in when we are not using it. Inside the box, they found hats, gloves, scarves, and best of all, two coats that were theirs. My mother had purchased two coats at the end of the winter last year. Thanks Mom!! They were $45 coats on clearance for $4.50! She risked the purchase of two 3T coats in hopes that the boys we were getting would fit into them this winter. That was back when our referrals were 2 year old twin boys. I almost gave the coats away after we lost the referrals. Little did I know that the boys we would bring home, 5 year old twins, would fit into them perfectly this winter. Isn't God amazing? All of the things we bought for the first referalls fit the sons God gave us. Nothing was wasted or unused. Of course, He always knew His plan for us and fully led us along the way.

Now, back to the coats. In Oklahoma, it is still running in the 80s daily, close to 90, and as you can see from the pic above, we are still in our shorts. The evenings are getting beautifully cool, but as of yet, we have no need for coats. However, they have worn their big coats (with shorts) around the house. They are so excited to call them their own.

BTW, someone had asked about the boys' size. They had mentioned that they looked like normal 5 year olds. They do, in pictures, but in real life they are like little midgets. For example, look at the pic above. J is 6 years old, but is the smallest boy in his class at church. He still wears 5T pants, smaller in shorts, and just hit 40 pounds. He is one week short of being one year older than the boys. In the pic, the boys have their tennis shoes on and J is in sock feet. Maybe this comparison helps on their size.

In other news: My hubby needs to be a doctor, not an attorney. Here is my schedule for the next few weeks. Today I took El and L to get immunizations. They have to start completely over. They weren't too happy with it all. They also have to have more blood work done. Monday, they both have cardiology appointments. Tuesday, H goes back to the orthopedist for her back. She wasn't supposed to go back until late November, but her PT called the doc and told him she needed to go back soon and is suggesting a brace. Thursday, E goes back for a wrist check-up. Remember, she supposedly fractured it early last May. Well, she's still having a ton of pain in gymnastics, so we're getting it rechecked. On the 11th, L has his next test to get ready for surgery. On the 12th, both boys go to the dentist and they will discuss total mouth reconstruction. L has NO good teeth, not one. Many are abcessed and one is splitting and loose. His whole jaw moves. His gums bleed almost every time we brush. We've been told he may have to have his dental work done in the hospital. El's front teeth are good but his back teeth are rotted down to the gum. Sometime we have more immunizations and L's surgery.

So, here's the question: Does anyone want to come babysit so I don't have to drag 6 kids to all of these visits? Nope! I didn't think so. :-) That's okay. They're getting really used to it.
posted by 6blessings @ 12:02 PM  
  • At 1:11 PM, Blogger Deb said…

    Wow you are in for a lot of docs in the near future. I wish I could come babysit. If any of the trips bring you to Dallas let me know I will help if I can.
    I love that their coats fit. So cute that they are running around the house in them playing.

  • At 2:18 PM, Blogger Melissa said…

    Oh Kim, I feel for you. That is a lot of doctors appts. Are those baby teeth? What can they do about it?

  • At 6:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I wish I WERE close enough to help out! I would love to babysit. From here, what I CAN do is keep you,all the children and their doctors in my prayers. Keep us posted.

  • At 11:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 6:10 PM, Blogger Maggie said…

    They look like the little kid in A Christmas Story who was so bundled up he fell right over.

    I don't envy all these medical appointments. Like everyone else I wish I could help. If we weren't ohhh 8 states or so away from each other I'd be there in a heartbeat!

  • At 12:52 PM, Blogger Sarah said…

    Thank you so much for your kind words on my blog. I am feeling a little better already. It was just such a blow. We realized this could happen, but we just had thought we'd gotten past that part and it was decided so we had really settled into the comfort of going where we are familiar. His plan will be clear soon. Maybe we won't have to miss Halloween after all! :)

  • At 5:45 PM, Blogger Deb said…

    I have a question for you can you e-mail me?

  • At 5:29 PM, Blogger Rhonda said…

    Wow. You must keep a family calendar to keep it all straight. I'll be praying. I know that we're going to have similar issues with Bonnie's teeth. I will be anxious to hear how they handle the the bwin's teeth.

  • At 5:48 PM, Blogger Jennefer said…

    I would totally babysit. I am sorry I don't live closer. I know how hard it is to take all of your kids everywhere.

    You must know though that having a doctor for a husband does not help me much. I still have to take my kids in for everything.

    I can't believe how many doc apts. you have going. You deserve a big badge of edurance.

    That is so perfect that everything you bought still works and fits. I know that when a budget is tight that means a lot.

  • At 3:48 PM, Blogger adoptedthree said…

    Just have to say my son was adopted over four years ago he still wears the same size three pants and will be six in March. He weighs a mere 29 pounds. He is in the -5% so your boys are doing excellent dont worry they are healthy and on target to catch up

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