Thursday, August 31, 2006
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue?
Okay, the boys really like to sit for school like the other kids. They love their desks and supplies. They love their preschool workbook. They are doing great with counting and love to sing the ABC song. They have so far learned how to write an A and a B. However, we seem to have a major color barrier. I know they know their colors in Russian, but when it comes to English, it has been a major task.

"What color is it?", I say, holding up a blue crayon.

"Yellow?", "Krasni?", "Orange?", they answer.

"No, it's blue," I say patiently.

"What color is this one?", I ask, holding up a red crayon.

"Blue!", "Yellow!", "Orange!", they yell out, beaming with pride and anticipation that I will say, "Yes, that's right."

Every once in a while they luck out and guess the right color. L gets yellow right pretty consistently. We've gone over and over them in school, while we are eating, in the car, while we are playing, when we get dressed in the morning, and any other time you can think of. I guess they may just be having overloaded brains right now. They can certainly remember "popsicle", "cookie", "drink", etc. We've even tried colors with the popsicles and drinks.

Oh, well. I guess it will come in time. If you have any suggestions or just plain ole advise, please feel free to share.

**Congrats to Tina who is about to get on a plane with her two new daughters to go through the final steps of bringing them home. Congrats to Jamie and Suzanne who are new parents officially. Congrats to Derek and Lisa who are only a few days away from finishing up their long and painful journey to parenthood. Congrats to anyone else who bears with this process daily. You are incredible.
posted by 6blessings @ 1:56 PM  
  • At 2:25 PM, Blogger Melissa said…

    I don't know THE answer for them learning their colors. The only suggestion I can make is stick with one color until they KNOW it. Then move onto another color.

  • At 3:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I don't know how you find the time to homeschool and keep up your blog! You must be really efficient with your time.

    The boys will catch on quickly and your other kids will be a great influence.

  • At 3:44 PM, Blogger Maggie said…

    Peanut learned color names last summer by using coloring books. I'd start each piece in a picture (put a little yellow in the sun, a little green in a lizard, a little red in a flower, and so on) and then I'd point to it and say the color's name and he'd finish coloring it. That way it's not just memorizing - it's kind of a game.

    Also, my favorite phrase of all time is

    "Po Engleeski at toe (whatever the word is in English)" Kak skazat pa Russki? (Then they can tell you what it is in Russian.)"

    Then you could reverse it. "Po Russki at toe (you say the Russian word). Kak skazat pa Engleeski? (Then they tell you the word in English.)"

  • At 5:10 PM, Blogger Melissa said…

    It will come in time. You are doing all the right things by making games out of it and bringing it up throughout the day. Asking colors of cars,etc. Keep up the good work. It will pay off.

  • At 11:27 PM, Blogger Rhonda said…

    I am not an education expert whatsoever, but for the time they've been home, I think they're doing REALLY well. I think you're right, the colors will come in time. Its so neat that they have a desire to learn, and that they're enjoying school. Good for them!

  • At 8:06 PM, Blogger Chris Sapp said…

    Mateo finally mastered colors only after I gave him the, "box of the week." I placed several objects of like colors in a claer tupperware container. He had a blas exploring all of the items in those things - and he still likes to get them out. I'm having trouble with counting - he can count to 10, bbut always frgets 4 & 5. I've tried a BILLION things.

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