Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Two visits down...add one

These pics are of my oldest child, H. She is 11, almost 12 years old. She is becoming more beautiful every day, inside and out. She is extremely mature for her age. She always has been. Throughout her life, most of her friends have been a little older and she loves to hang out with the adults. She is a quiet, but fun child. She has a lot of responsibility, being the oldest of six, and handles it incredibly well. She is so good with the little ones. She is a great help to me.

H loves gymnastics. She was a competitive gymnast for years and was approaching high levels at a young age. She won several state championship event titles. A little over a year and a half ago, she was sidelined with terrible pain. After much testing, the docs decided that she had torn cartilage in her hip among other hip problems. In August 2005, at 10 years old, she underwent hip surgery, the youngest one her doc had ever done. Her recovery was long and difficult. She finally got clearance from the hip doc to resume normal activites in August 2006. She will have to have further hip surgery when she is fully grown and her growth plates close up.

However, in the last few months, she has been experiencing a great deal of back pain. She is unable to sit for long. The doctors started running test, doing x-rays, and requiring more physical therapy. At first they diagnosed her with kyphosis, a form of scoliosis, but now they say it is minor and are looking for other problems. Her visit to the doc today has us doing another bone scan soon. She had one done in May 2005, but he wants to check again. Her therapist had suggested a brace, but the doctor said no.

H has been a trooper through it all. However, her endurance is running thin. She can't do what she wants- gymnastics, and the docs keep running around in circles running tests on her. Every therapist ends up giving up and sending her back to the docs. The docs keep running more tests. Pray that we find an answer soon. After leaving the doctor's office today, I said, "Well, at least you don't have to wear a brace." She said, "I want a brace, anything that will get me well."

H is a special girl. She has a heart for others and is very caring. Today she is celebrating what we call her "born again birthday". Several years ago on this day, she asked Jesus into her heart to be her Lord and Saviour. She made the decision to let Him lead her life. Of all of the things I am proud of in her, this is one that is the leader. She is a beautiful young Christian (Christ-follower). She is growing and has wisdom beyond her years to realize that what she is going through will only strengthen her. Three years ago, we had a terrible car wreck and H should have died. The paramedics that pulled her out of the van with the Jaws of Life said they couldn't believe she was alive. She walked away with only minor scratches and some glass in her face. We know God has a purpose for her because He spared her then and He is teaching her lessons now that are hard for adults to handle, much less 11 year old kids.

I feel very blessed to be her mother and I love her so much. I know she reads my blog and I want to tell her how proud I am of her and that I will be here with her through it all. H, I don't know what I'd do without you. You often teach me, even as I am trying to guide you. Keep leaning on Jesus. He has great plans for you. You truly are a blessing and a joy, as your Great and Powerful Dadder would say. ;)
posted by 6blessings @ 12:24 PM  
  • At 2:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hannah's MeMa also thinks she is a mighty special young lady too. PaPa and I are very proud of the young lady you are and you are SO good at helping your mom and loving on your brothers and sisters. I'm sorry you are having to have so much trouble so young but we know you will make it through anything. You are our special angel and my encourgager!! We love you LOTS!!!!!

  • At 2:09 PM, Blogger Melissa said…

    That is so touching. G-d definitely has big plans for her. I hope you get some answers soon.

  • At 5:29 PM, Blogger Maggie said…

    Wow. What a special girl. I hope the doctors find an answer soon so at least you and H know what you're facing.

    It's really nice to hear news about all your kids, Kim. You have a wonderful family.

  • At 5:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow- what a great kid. I'm sorry she's in so much pain, I hope they find an answer.

  • At 11:14 PM, Blogger Rhonda said…

    Oh, I have tears because I'm imagining how it feels have my Mom write something so special to me (which she has done). We think she's pretty special, too, just from reading this entry. I'll be praying that there's an answer for this pain. What a role model she is for her younger siblings.

  • At 11:16 PM, Blogger Rhonda said…

    Also-Kim, you are a shining example of a great mother. I can only aspire to be the Mom you are.

  • At 5:35 AM, Blogger Deb said…

    I have chills reading this.
    She is so beautiful, and such a strong young lady. Thanks for sharing your children with us.

  • At 6:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    I cried as I read this- so sweet!!
    Yes, we can testify to what a special young lady Ms.Hannah is!!
    She will be in our prayers-hope the pain goes soon. Yet, iI know the Lord will give her the strength to bear it.

    Cast all your anxities upon Him, for the careth for you. 1Peter 5:7

    Love your entire family,


  • At 7:40 AM, Blogger Sarah said…

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • At 7:55 AM, Blogger Carolina Mama said…

    Thanks for sharing. What a special tribute! Cherish the bond you have. And we'll pray for wellness soon! Kim you're doing great!

  • At 8:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What a very special family you are!
    Love reading about your love and admiration for each other.

    You have an incredible daughter, Kim. Reminds me of my own. :)

    You are an amazing woman.

  • At 3:09 PM, Blogger Suz said…

    H sounds like a wonderful daughter and big sister and you're a great mom! It is special for you to write this for her.

    It will be neat to see what God has in store for her future!

  • At 4:23 AM, Blogger Jennefer said…

    H IS gorgeous! Inside and out. I love her hair!

    I was a gymnastics girl too, and I have also been plagued with back troubles. I have always wondered if there was a connection- if my many gymnastic injuries added up over the years. Of course it is speculation but I did land on my head a lot (weak arms with my back hand springs).

    I have gone to a Chiropractor and Physical Therapist, but no treatment lasted. For me the best thing was a back pain book I have that gives specific exercises to do every day. I notice that I can't skip days for it to work, but if I am consistent it works great. There are a lot of books on this topic that you could look into. Just an idea.

  • At 5:51 AM, Blogger jessy said…

    Hi Kim and Hannah,

    When my husband was two years old, he was diagnosed with a rare bone disease. He spent the greater part of his childhood in a specialized children's hospital, separated from his family. He too, underwent major surgeries, and experienced so much physical pain that even today someone could hit him with a hammer and he wouldn't even grimace. He is just immune. More than anything he wanted to be normal and do all the things boys do--ride bikes, race and play ball. As he got older, he wondered, too, if he would ever have a future. Would he be able to go to college? Would someone ever want to marry him? He was sometimes very lonely, but the one thing he believes is that he was never alone. God was with him in that hospital, He carried him through the pain, and He gave him hope for his tomorrows.
    I share his story with you, to encourage you. Because as difficult as his childhood was, he would tell you himself, that now, he would not change it for anything. He had, at a very tender age, a close and powerful relationship with Christ. When most kids are out doing what kids do, he was studying his Bible and writing in his prayer journal. I testify that he is more able to "bear with other's burdens" than man I have ever known. It is part of what makes him a wonderful pastor. His life verse is this:
    "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,"Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future."
    I know that his true for you, too, sweetheart. Look toward Him.

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