Wednesday, October 18, 2006

As most of you know, I have two sets of twins. An eight year old set of girls and a five year old set of boys. They never cease to amaze me. They are such individuals, yet share such a special bond.

My girls look nothing alike. One is blonde haired with dark olive skin. The other is red haired with fair skin. One is dramatic, outgoing, social, and athletic. The other is academic, quiet, and a peacemaker. They have not cared to wear matching clothes since they were old enough to dress themselves. Z will try at times to match, but E very seldom wants anything to do with it. A few weeks ago, Z went to an overnight camping trip with our church at the children's pastor's ranch that he uses for retreats. E couldn't go because she had made a prior committment to soccer. This was a tough lesson. Z was gone from Friday night to Saturday night. When I brought her home that night, E ran and jumped on top of her, practically knocking her down. They hugged and jumped up and down and were pretty inseparable for the rest of the night.

Over the last week and a half or so, the girls have gone out of their way to wear matching clothes. Now, we haven't bought matching things in years so they are having to stretch their imaginations some. All of a sudden, they're asking for matching clothes for Christmas, etc. They not only match during the day, but wear matching leos to gym and matching jammies to bed. It's pretty cute! I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

My boy twins, affectionately called bwins, do look alike. Many people ask if they are identical. We don't know because we have no record that they were ever tested. We see huge differences, but many people don't, including doctors. They said even identical twins can have slight differences as they grow. Anyway, El was sick a few Sundays back and had to stay home. I was a little worried about L in Sunday School by himself but he did well. D stayed home with El that morning so I stayed home that evening when it was time to go to our small group meeting. El and I had a good time together, but when everyone came home, it got interesting. E rushed in to hug El. He totally pushed her away and started saying, "Vitalik, Vitalik," and looking for his twin. When he saw him, he totally trampled him.

I know there is a special bond between twins. I'm sure the bwin bond is strengthened even more by all that they've been through. It still never ceases to amaze me how they are somewhat one at times. The gwins can finish each other's sentences, know what the other is thinking, etc. You always hear the phrase "double trouble". Yes, there are times it feels that way, but usually I just feel "double blessed".

Anyone else have twin stories? What about that bond?
posted by 6blessings @ 7:21 AM  
  • At 12:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I love this blog! You gwins I've never thought of us twins because physically they are so different and even more so in personality. The dynamics of having the bwins seems to have influenced the gwins to be more alike now than ever. How sweet!! Can't wait to meet your new additions- you need to get in that bus and come visit everyone @ coop. We're doing the fall party again- you all should come. How about it?

  • At 4:49 PM, Blogger Maggie said…

    It's sweet how close they are to each other. When I was a cheerleader in high school there were two sets of identical twins on my squad. They fought with each other more fiercely than you could imagine, but they stood up each other just as strongly. It's definitely something unique.

    I think it's neat how Z looks a lot like your oldest and E looks an awful lot like J. As far as your twins, I couldn't tell them apart in photos at all at first. Now I can pick out who's who. They each have their own brand of cute!

  • At 11:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My only twin story is that my mom is an identical twin and my husband's mom is an identical twin. My mom had nine children. His mom had ten children. And M and I each have a sister born on May 10th of the same year.

  • At 5:35 PM, Blogger Jenni said…

    My brother and I are twins, and have always had a special bond. It is probably not the same as the bond between identical twins, but it is pretty strong. And, like your gwins, we look nothing alike!

  • At 5:38 PM, Blogger jessy said…

    I'm so envious! My Daddy is a twin and his mother was a twin and I think even her mother was a twin. So of course, when we started having our kids, I half expected to see two tiny hearts beating at every sonogram. But alas... Of course, three weeks post partum I've always been rather thankful for my singletons. My Dad and uncle are fraternal twins. If you met them, you would not imagine that they were even that. My uncle served two tours in Vietnam and it aged him. He looks a good ten years older than my dad. My dad is actually the five minutes.
    I have a sister who is 16 months younger than me. My mother was over medicated at our births and decided to name us Jessica Lynn and Jennifer Gwen respectively. Lord bless her! None of our teachers could keep us straight. Our family referred to us not as individuals, but as, "The little girls," and we couldn't go out in public without people asking us if we were twins. Then we had to go through the whole speil, "no, we're a year apart...yada, yada, yada." I know it must be so much worse for ya'll!
    A funny thing lately, is that my very short four year old and my very tall two year old are getting mistaken for twins. So I haven't really escaped my past!
    To spite the nusance of nosey people, I would still love to have really, truly twins. We're still hoping to adopt three more. So maybe one day...

  • At 11:56 AM, Blogger Carolina Mama said…

    Love your twin pics! They are adorable both sets! I think it would be awesome if we got referred twin girls! :) Prayers please! Absolutely right about the undeniable bond of twins. Ours call them selve the other names sometimes and not mixing us up. Just intertwining themselves even more. They're fraternal and still. When we introduce our twins seperately they always add in "We're twins!" People ask are you brothers and they say "We're twins." No surprise they want twin sisters. They ALWAYS have the same ailment as the other. Do the Bwins do that, like with the stomach problem, does the other one say he has it?

  • At 7:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My sister and I are twins and look nothing alike. But when she miscarried< i was hurting and did not know why until she called. We seem to dress alike on occasion--not knowing we even had matching clothes. Our Mom dressed us in similar clothes usually the same pattern just different colors. Twins do have a special bond that is ongoing and lasts forever. Deana

  • At 7:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    One more thing--Diana and I have always shared being "wombmates" It is something very few others have in this world

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