Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Waiting Period- Day 1
Well, we finally got to see the bwins this afternoon. We hadn't heard anything by late morning so we went into action. We knew another couple had court this morning and approximately what time they would return. Therefore, we sat outside the hotel and waited for their arrival, knowing we'd get to talk to someone. Sure enough, our facilitator had brought them back and as soon as he got out of the car he said, "Three o'clock, orphanage." Our plan worked! :-)

The boys seemed a little hesitant at first today. I told the translator they looked tired. She asked them and they said that they were. We played puzzles and looked at a Pooh finding book. Then we pulled out the balls and gloves. They are the beginning ones that are soft and have the velcro in the bottom. The balls are soft and fuzzy, so if we aim okay, they catch them. They had a blast. We laughed so hard. E has an amazing arm, but no control. We chased so many balls. He thought it was funny. We taught them the word "ball". The most exciting thing was when we sat down to rest, L ran to me and hugged me. That was awesome! He also told me in Russian that he loved me (after I told him). I don't know if that counts or not, but it was good to hear it anyway. :-) E is a little more reserved. He is still a little unsure, but will let us love on him. He is starting to return the hugs a little now.

We bought 5 soccer balls, 2 basketballs, 2 badminton sets, a set of dominos, and some stuffed animals for the orphanage yesterday. We took them out today hoping to give them to the other children and play with them. We were told that all of the kids except four were all gone to a camp while they were doing some repairs on the orphanage. H, we also took your package. She said we could give it to the girls when they returned. Hopefully, we will get to do that.

After playing baseball for a while, we played some soccer, then went inside again. The remainder of the time, the boys did paint with water pictures. They took great care. We have noticed a few things about them. L will sit forever and work on something or read a book. He is very meticulous. E does well also, but is ready to move on to something more active. We also think L is ambidextrous. He switched his paintbrush between his hands a million times. He also tried to put his ball glove on his right hand many times.

Leaving was hard, as usual. We think it is very confusing to the boys. They get a worried look and become very hestitant with us, kind of like when we first show up. I think they've been told they will go with us one day. So everytime they walk us out, they probably wonder if this is the time or not. They stand and wave goodbye to us. I'm sure they don't understand. We don't. Today when we were hugging goodbye, I was holding L and hugging him. After I got done giving him the hug, he kept holding me tight with his arms. It was very hard to put him down and tell him goodbye. Soon, I won't have to.

One other bit of information we finally got is who is older. We found out that E is older than L. This is opposite of what everyone thought, but is good information to know.

Kids: We want you to know that we may not blog everyday. We will try to keep in touch, but our days are very unpredictable here. No matter what, we are okay and we love you. Keep having lots of fun. Take lots of pictures with your disposable cameras. I hope you liked what was in your second package. Two down, three more to go before mom and dad get home.
posted by 6blessings @ 9:44 AM  
  • At 10:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think every "I Love You" counts. That is very neat! It sounds like you had a lot of fun together. How exciting to see them knowing you are their parents now!

  • At 10:31 AM, Blogger Deb said…

    I have tears in my eyes thinking about you having to say good-bye. I wish they could be with you for the wait. But at least you were finally able to see them.
    Glad they are doing well and you are learning more about them.
    And yes every "I love you" does count in my opinion also.

  • At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So glad you got to see the boys today!! I'm sure they are very confused if they have been told they are going to go with you. I just don't understand a system like that. It's like holding ice cream in front of a child, telling him he can some day have it, and then removing it over and over. I'm sure it hurts everyone involved. So glad L is reacting so well to you and know, when given a real chance, so will E. Your kids here are probably VERY tired kiddos by now. They stayed at J's last night and PaPa and I didn't leave from watching the fireworks until 10:30 p.m. They were great and everyone enjoyed them. Little Z sat on my lap most all of the time as said they were too loud and we were 1 1/2 blocks from the park. I kept my hands over her ears and she said that helped. She fell asleep in my lap once we went inside and D. carried her to bed. Then about 5 mins. later she was up to the bathroom and wanted to go in to play with the others. I really felt ambivalent feelings about leaving them as knew they were so tired but all wanted to stay so badly. They slept good J. said and were in the pool pretty soon after they got up. J. says they are playing good but I will pick them up soon and they will have an early bedtime tonight. Doubt any of them will mind. Dad had to work from 8 a.m. til 7 p.m. yesterday so they are not getting to see him much at all. I hate that --- esp. for Jo. Take Care of our little ones there and we are praying the time passes ever so fast. Love, Mom

  • At 7:29 PM, Blogger Maggie said…

    Oh how I love the sound of "loublue tebya." I can still hear my Peanut telling me that.

    Hold on tight to those boys. How precious they are.

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